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Create a unique professional asset!

Skills Charts is an innovative platform that allows you to build a professional profile with all your skills you have. Keeping them together in one place helps you discover your strengths and weaknesses and become better and more competitive. You can update your knowledge anytime, track your progress, find new trends & technologies, learn new tools that arise and many more!

In this way, through Skills Charts, you can find projects and employers that better fit your skill set. If for example you are a developer and you have a good understanding about weather forecasting services (due to previous work done), you are a better candidate for a startup trying to revolutionize the weather prediction industry with a new product or service.

Maybe a company is working with something that you enjoy a lot.

However, as the job seeking industry works until today, there is no way to communicate your expertise and make it searchable for employees. So, what are you waiting for?

Be found without sending out CVs

Update your knowledge and skills instantly

Track your progress

Stay up to date with new skills that arise

Find new trends, technologies, and tools

Find educational programs to extend your skills